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iShip visualization. Photo: Singtel
Singtel, one of Asia’s largest telcos, is launching iShip, a platform to provide satellite-enabled connectivity and digital services for the maritime industry. iShip’s integrated services for crew and fleet management are designed to give ship managers and owners greater flexibility and visibility of their resources and operations. Singtel said the solution will enable better crew wellbeing, vessel safety, and operational efficiency.
The product supports crew connectivity and entertainment, telehealth, maritime IoT, and cybersecurity. With iShip, customers can select the combination of digital services they need with the assurance of Singtel’s end-to-end support, from initial provisioning and onboarding, scaling resources on an as-needed basis to resolving technical or service issues.
“iShip was specifically designed to address these challenges and provide a versatile solution for shipping companies that are accelerating digital adoption and also have decarbonization and crew welfare high on their agenda. By making it easier for ship owners and operators to procure and steward digital services and resources, they can focus on keeping the world economy running, supporting billions of people who rely on our seas for food, energy and transport,” Ooi Seng Keat, vice president of Carrier Services for Singtel, said in a statement.
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