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We are delighted to bring you the second issue of Via Satellite Asia. In this special edition, Via Satellite covers various aspects of the satellite market in Asia, where some of the most vibrant regions for satellite communications anywhere in the world continue to stand out in the industry — so much so that we expand our coverage in this full edition.
The focus in this Via Satellite Asia falls on Indonesia, Asia’s “other” big market. While there is much talk about India and China, and understandably so given their populations and opportunity, Indonesia is a huge market within a gargantuan one. You’ll see from the DTH players, telcos, satellite moguls, and from Indonesia’s largest airline, all interviewed in this edition, just how big Indonesia’s satellite potential really is.
Our second feature looks at the potential for High Throughput Satellites (HTS) in Asia. While there is always much talk of HTS in other part of the world, the business case for them in Asia has yet to be convincingly made, particularly as issues like rain fade loom.
I am also very pleased to feature columns from Smita Jha and Joanne Wheeler looking at the many facets of the market in Asia. Our priority in this local edition is to provide the best possible regional coverage and I feel this issue does that winningly, especially considering we are working again with Media Partners Asia for their Asia Pacific Pay-TV Operators Summit, always one of the highlights of the conference season in Asia.
Asia is never anything less than a hugely exciting market for satellite, and as the editor of Via Satellite, it is a pleasure and honor to report on it. We hope you enjoy this edition and look forward to seeing you soon.
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