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National Weather Service Selects Hughes for OPSnet Satellite Backup Solution
[Satellite TODAY 06-24-13] The U.S. National Weather Service (NWS) has selected Hughes Network Systems to provide a satellite back-up solution for its Operational Systems Network (OPSnet). OPSnet is the NWS’ primary communications system for analyzing and distributing meteorological, hydrological, satellite, and radar data. The system is shared with weather forecast offices nationwide.
Under the terms of the agreement, Hughes will provide an existing network of 63 broadband VSATs with service and support. Additionally, Hughes will provide maintenance, program management, and engineering services, as required.
"Hughes is honored to be selected by NWS for this mission-critical solution," Tony Bardo, assistant vice president of government solutions at Hughes, said in a statement. "Only satellite technology offers a truly diverse, back-up network path – which is essential to ensure emergency communications and continuity of operations (COOP) when disaster strikes. Hughes looks forward to working with NWS to strengthen the robustness and availability of its important service to America."
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