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[Satellite Today 08-19-08] U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Kevin Martin and other commission staff will fan out to rural areas and other markets in the United States to raise awareness and educate consumers in the days leading up to the Feb. 17 digital television transition, the FCC announced Feb. 19.
    The FCC identified target television markets for specific outreach, including all markets in which more than 100,000 households, or at least 15 percent, rely solely on over-the-air signals for television. The FCC is planning a town hall meeting, workshop or roundtable with an FCC Commissioner at each stop. 
    In coordination with these visits, the FCC will work with local broadcasters and radio stations to increase the broadcasts of public service announcements and will be coordinating with the National Association of Broadcasters to explore whether service providers may participate in a temporary turn off of their analog signals to determine consumer readiness of the DTV transition.

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