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ICO Global Communications Ltd. (ICO) has been granted milestone extensions for the construction and launch of its ICO G1 satellite, the company announced Feb. 5.

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) granted the company’s request to extend the dates outlined in ICO’s authorization for the construction and launch of the satellite, which include: Complete reference performance test (April 30); complete thermal vacuum test (June 15); satellite launch (Nov. 30); and certification of the mobile satellite services system as in operation (Dec. 31).

“We have expended over $310 million so far on our satellite and launch programs alone for ICO G, and millions more on our terrestrial, device and radio layer activities,” Tim Bryan, ICO’s CEO, said in a statement. “We are grateful that we can continue our work to bring next-generation satellite services to the nation as soon as possible.”

ICO reportedly filed the request for extensions due to technical issues beyond its control after the satellite’s manufacturer, Space Systems/Loral Inc., found technical problems with three of the satellite’s subsystems.

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