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Integral Systems Inc. will declassify its board, resulting in a single class of directors with each one up for election every year, the company announced Feb. 6.

In response to the move, Fursa Alternative Strategies LLC, Integral’s largest stockholder, and Chartwell Capital Investors II LP have agreed not to initiate or pursue a change in the board before 2008, and Chartwell agreed to withdraw its stockholder proposal. Mickey Harley also will be added to the board as a representative of Fursa.
“These actions demonstrate the company’s commitment to strong, stockholder-focused, contemporary corporate governance practices which I believe are consistent with the company’s goal of maximizing stockholder value,” Pete Gaffney, Integral’s CEO, said in a statement.  “… I am pleased that the Company is listening to its shareholders and believe that these recent actions will facilitate steps toward realizing the maximum potential for the company.

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