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Artist’s view of Meteosat Second Generation (MSG). Photo: ESA.
The European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) has awarded Serco a new contract to continue managing operations for the Meteosat series of geostationary meteorological satellites. Serco’s team of specialists will be responsible for around-the-clock monitoring and control of the four Meteosat meteorological satellites in orbit, operating the mission control center, ground stations and antennas, and managing the transmission of data between the satellites, mission control center and EUMETSAT’s clients.
Serco and its subcontractor Telespazio Vega Deutschland have managed operations for EUMETSAT’s Meteosat missions since 1995. The new contract is for a period of six years, with the option of three one-year extensions. The contract will see Serco provide continuity of service for the present Meteosat Second Generation Program, which involves four satellites currently in orbit, while at the same time building up a new team of analysts and controllers for the Meteosat Third Generation Program, which is set to involve six new satellites.
The Meteosat meteorological satellites monitor Earth’s atmosphere, ocean and land surfaces 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, supplying data to the national meteorological services of the organization’s member and cooperating states in Europe, as well as other users worldwide.
According to EUMETSAT, the services the satellites provide play a crucial role in protecting public safety by helping meteorologists identify and monitor potentially dangerous weather situations and issue timely forecasts and warnings to emergency services and local authorities.
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