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Photo by Anuvu

Anuvu has high hopes for its new Dual-Panel Ka-Band Inflight Connectivity Antenna System (DPSAA) which it unveiling this month at the Airline Passenger Experience Association Expo in Long Beach, California.

The antenna is a key component of Anuvu’s Airconnect Ka multi-orbit connectivity platform designed specifically for both GEO and LEO networks, that aims to provide the best possible performance on each network. The IFC market is a super competitive one, and Anuvu is hoping the addition of this system will help it generate more business among the airline community.

It is working alongside QEST to deliver this new system. The dual-panel antenna aims to deliver strong performance on today’s GEO networks, optimizing for fast handoffs and ultra-high data rates. Building on QEST’s latest-generation responsive motion-control system, the dual-panel antenna maximizes data flow even when GEO and LEO satellites are low on the horizon. Anuvu’s customers can select the GEO satellite connectivity option that provides the most efficient inflight connectivity performance today, while maintaining full forward compatibility with current and future non-geostationary networks.

“Anuvu remains committed to designing and developing the best solutions to enable our aviation customers to obtain superior connectivity services today and well into the future. Our open-architecture design doesn’t lock customers into specific system components, enabling customers to maximize the value of their investment over time while receiving the best service in the market,” Mike Pigott, Anuvu EVP Connectivity, said in a statement.

In other Anuvu news, the company announced that alongside AT&T it had completed the sale of Wireless Maritime Services, (WMS) to CCP Capital Strategies (CCP), a private equity investment firm. Anuvu announced the deal Oct. 17. WMS provides maritime cellular networks enabling secure, high-performance connectivity at sea. WMS’ existing management team will continue to lead the business, which will now operate as an independent platform.

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