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Rendition of GomSpace's GOMX 4 satellites on orbit. Photo: GomSpace.

Rendition of GomSpace’s GOMX 4 satellites on orbit. Photo: GomSpace

2Operate and GomSpace, together with Aarhus University, are working together to evaluate how existing telecom standards and existing Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions can be leveraged to manage future satellite constellations. The companies will be working within the MegaMan project, funded by Innovation Fund Denmark,

As part of the collaboration, the partners have successfully evaluated 2Operate’s existing AI-based 2Solve product using the GOMX-4 satellite mission by GomSpace and the Delfini-1 mission by Aarhus University.


“It is very exciting for us to see how the lessons learned from the terrestrial telecom sector can boost the uptake of advance network management solutions for space – and how well our product adapts to the new requirements,” said 2Operate Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Christian Ingerslev Sørensen.


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