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Photo: Indra

[Via Satellite 06-27-2016] Indra has developed a platform to simulate the capabilities of satellite IP communications networks in order to assess and size later deployments. The platform, called the Advance IP Network Emulator (AINE), allows teams to evaluate how well satellite communications are incorporated within a multi-link system that makes complementary use of satellites alongside other land communication technologies.

AINE offers real-time readings on broadband use, as well as any delay and jitter in communications between two points. The development of the platform dates back to evaluations Indra performed back in 2004 on the capabilities of AmerHis, the Internet access controller carried on the Hispasat Amazonas satellite. Since then, Indra has evaluated the system for use in other R&D projects from the European Space Agency (ESA). It has also been harnessed to examine different approaches to integrating satellite networks with terrestrial networks via the IP Multimedia Standard (IMS).

AINE is currently being used as part of the Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) project, which aims to enhance air traffic across the continent. As part of this program, the Indra solution is emulating ESA’s Iris satellite communications system, currently under development, which will allow aircraft to communicate and send information to control towers and centers.

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