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SSC Antenna

Photo: SSC

[Via Satellite 04-14-2016] Swedish Space Corporation (SSC) has unveiled SSC Infinity, the company’s new ground operations service designed for small satellites and constellations. SSC Infinity consists of a range of highly automated services that use full-motion antennas in the 5-meter or smaller class. The antennas are optimized for communication with small satellites and constellations, and can be augmented with larger antennas when needed.

SSC Infinity uses a network of global ground stations to enable frequent satellite contacts for Telemetry, Tracking and Command (TT&C) and data download with low-latency data recovery. To support CubeSats, SSC Infinity makes use of normal configurations and standardized ground system hardware.

The service limits the number of mission configurations and uses pre-qualified radios to eliminate most costs associated with pre-mission configuration. SSC Infinity also comes with a Web-based customer interface for pass scheduling, and SSC technical operations staff are available 24/7 to augment mission operations during critical maneuvers.

SSC Infinity includes streamlined service level agreements that come with standard terms and conditions and numerous pricing plans based on priority, antenna size, availability and bandwidth usage. Adjustable service and priority levels minimize the cost of services, according to the company.

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