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Oil Hazardous antenna

Hughes 9502 integrated antenna BGAN M2M terminal. Photo: Hughes

[Via Satellite 12-05-13] The Hughes 9502 integrated antenna BGAN (Broadband Global Area Network) M2M (machine-to-machine) terminal, built by Hughes Network Systems and enabled by Inmarsat, has received Hazardous Locations Accreditation.

The terminal, which features the modem positioned behind the antenna, is now approved for use in hazardous environments, such as in the oil and gas sector, where explosive gaseous atmospheres have potential to be present.

Met Laboratories, an accredited laboratory, conducted the testing. The device has been certified for environments classified as Class 1, Division 2, Groups A-D, and ATEX Zone 2, Group IIC, Category 3.

The all-weather IP66 rated terminal is sealed to provide a high degree of intrusion protection by dust or moisture from any direction, and is identical in operation to the Hughes 9502 BGAN terminal with external antenna, but without the need for cables or enclosure.

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