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[Via Satellite 03-31-2015] Harris Corporation has received orders from two countries in the North American Treaty Organization (NATO) for Falcon radios for secure military communications. One nation is acquiring $16 million of Falcon 3 AN/PRC-117G manpacks, AN/PRC-152A handheld radios, and AN/PRC-150 High Frequency (HF) radios. Each enables Type-1 secure voice and data communications for wideband networking and beyond-line-of-sight environments. The second nation is purchasing $25 million of Falcon 3 AN/PRC-117G manpacks and AN/PRC-152A handheld radios. The radios support collaborative chat, streaming video and other applications by using Harris’ Adaptive Networking Wideband Waveform. Users can connect their allied forces with NATO using voice, data and situational awareness resources.
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