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Pupils perform STEM experiments. Photo Credit: Hughes
HughesNet and National 4-H Council have announced the launch of STEM Lab to inspire the next generation of scientists by sparking interest in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). A free resource to parents and teachers, STEM Lab is an online hub offering fun, hands-on STEM activities developed by public universities and 4-H groups.
STEM-related activities are organized by age group, ranging from four to 16 years. At launch, the website will feature activities from 4-H’s land grant universities and other educational partners across the country. An exercise in mechanical engineering by the University of California and the University of Nebraska encourages children to create a simple robot that draws on paper. Younger students can play chemist by creating “Fizzy Foam” in a project presented by Ohio State University, or build a basic wind turbine with little more than paper cups, construction paper, paper clips and rubber bands. With HughesNet’s support, 4-H will continue growing STEM Lab with new activities and projects.
HughesNet has worked with the National 4-H Council since 2014 to broaden access to STEM education in an increasingly technology-dependent world. In addition to the launch of STEM Lab, Hughes supports 4-H National Youth Science Day and the 4-H Youth in Action STEM pillar award.
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