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Network Capacity Controller concept image by Neuron

Florida-based space startup Neuron has unveiled a new AI and machine learning-powered satellite capacity management solution called “Network Capacity Controller” for end-users in the maritime, aviation, and mobility sectors.

The solution utilizes AI to orchestrate LEO, MEO or GEO satellite capacity between ships, aircraft or remote sites in a fleet, with the goal of optimizing resources, performance, and quality of experience (QoE). Network Capacity Controller can also dynamically manage specific consumption pools between multiple endpoints.

Neuron, which promotes itself as a vendor-neutral company providing “the first AI-powered QoE management platform for things that move,” raised capital on the promise of moving the satellite industry beyond “fixed” satellite capacity allocation between moving targets that results in performance loss and inefficiencies. Network Capacity Controller builds on Neuron’s Grid, an AI-powered network management solution that delivers blended connectivity across multiple providers, orbits and networks.

“[Network Capacity Controller] intelligently reallocates capacity in near real time [with] no need for manual policies or interventions,” Neuron explained in the announcement. “For example, if Ship A’s internet is impacted by weather, Network Capacity Controller will automatically shift capacity from Ship B to Ship A – and it will prioritize bandwidth that performs better in rain, like C-Band, while Ship B makes use of the other bandwidth options that are available. In another example, Ship B is planning to host a highly produced, live-streamed event at sea. Ship A will be docked at the time of the event, so instead of letting that capacity sit idle, Network Capacity Controller will redistribute it to Ship B for the event.”



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