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In-flight connectivity. Photo: ViaSat.

In flight connectivity. Photo: Viasat

Viasat and Teledyne Controls have partnered to bring real-time connected flight deck services to commercial airlines. Designed for Viasat In-Flight Connectivity (IFC) customers, this partnership aims to allow commercial airlines to decrease operational costs by eliminating expensive manual data off-loading processes; make better use of data mid-flight with improved data analysis and relevancy; and reduce data loss through preventative maintenance and the immediate access of flight deck information.

As data becomes increasingly critical in aviation operations, commercial airlines are looking to leverage analytics to identify actionable insights that will help streamline operational efficiencies, reduce costs and increase safety. Using Viasat’s IFC system paired with Teledyne’s Aircraft Interface Device (AID), airlines can off-load Quick Access Recorder (QAR) data and reliably stream Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) messages in real-time from the flight deck. Additionally, airlines can augment flight operations and maintenance quality assurance programs by immediately identifying and responding to maintenance issues, reducing aircraft on ground (AOG) timelines.

“The combination of Viasat’s in-flight connectivity service with Teledyne’s Aircraft Interface Device is delivering tremendous cost savings along with data benefits to commercial airlines,” said Murray Skelton, senior director of Aircraft Solutions, Teledyne. “In working with Viasat, we can securely off-load over 80% of ACARS data in real-time, which allows airlines to improve quality assurance programs and reduce costs associated with sending messages over expensive Very High Frequency (VHF) radio systems, especially when over water.”

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