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Speedcast antennas. Photo: SpeedCast

Speedcast antennas. Photo: SpeedCast

Speedcast International won the Infrastructure Innovation Award for its Speedcast Sigma Gateway Xtreme network management device. The company received the reward at the DataccioConnect conference in Dubai.

Sigma Gateway Xtreme is a network management device capable of managing Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT), Mobile Satellite Service (MSS), and 4G/LTE services onboard a ship or at a remote site. Sigma Gateway Xtreme provides a secured, virtualized environment where a customer or third party’s Virtual Machines (VM) can be hosted. Sigma Gateway Xtreme manages both its core functionality and hosted VMs within a containerized environment, which ensures that VMs operate in a secured environment entirely independently of each other. The VMs can be solutions or applications for cybersecurity, crew connectivity, entertainment, content distribution, and more.

“In addition to managing a communications network onboard a ship or at a remote site, Sigma Gateway Xtreme hosts critical applications and services that our customers depend on for their day-to-day operations, making the high reliability and redundancy features of Sigma Gateway Xtreme that much more important,” said Speedcast Executive Vice President (EVP) of Products, Marketing, and Business Development Tim Bailey. “The recently-launched Speedcast Cybersecurity as a Service is an example of the type of services that our customers depend on Speedcast to provide with Sigma Gateway Xtreme in order to safeguard their networks and keep their businesses operating smoothly.”


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