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Kymeta's electronically steered Mtenna terminal. Photo: Kymeta.

Kymeta’s electronically steered Mtenna terminal. Photo: Kymeta.

Speedcast has partnered with Kymeta to develop and roll out product offerings featuring the Kymeta KyWay Terminal, which integrates mTenna flat-panel antenna technology. Under the partnership agreement Speedcast will integrate the Kymeta terminal into the company’s industry-leading Speedcast Atlas managed service to deliver the latest technology to its customers.

The Kymeta KyWay terminal features an electronically-steered, flat-panel Ku-band antenna. The slim and lightweight profile makes it easy to install in a variety of mobility settings, such as on the top of a yacht or the side of a command vehicle. The KyWay terminal has no moving parts, simplifying maintenance, and eliminates much of the cost and infrastructure required by traditional Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) antennas, making it an ideal solution for mobility markets.

“A key area of focus for Speedcast is to constantly innovate to provide business value for our customers. The Kymeta KyWay Terminal will bring game-changing technology to many of the market segments that Speedcast serves,” said Tim Bailey, executive vice president of products, marketing, and business development at Speedcast.

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