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Kymeta and OneWeb performed a series of LEO satellite acquisition, tracking and throughput measurements in Toulouse, France. Photo: Kymeta/Business Wire
OneWeb is working with Kymeta through a joint development agreement to develop a flat panel antenna for land fixed applications, the companies announced Wednesday. The antenna will be based on Kymeta’s u8 terminal, which debuted last year.
The companies said the flat panel electronically steered user terminal will be compatible with the OneWeb network for land fixed applications and “leading the way” to land mobile and maritime solutions in the future. It will be interoperable between Geostationary Orbit (GEO) satellites, and OneWeb’s Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) network.
Commercial launch for the antenna is targeted for the third quarter of 2022.
This follows after OneWeb and Kymeta tested the Kymeta u8 antenna with OneWeb’s LEO constellation in France in September. At the time, they reported the single aperture antenna achieved downlink and uplink speeds of more than 200 Mbps down, and more than 40 Mbps up over repeated testing.
“Kymeta’s pioneering u8 does not require mechanical components to steer toward a satellite, and when paired with our LEO network will provide governments, businesses, and communities with high-throughput and low-latency communication services at competitive prices,” said OneWeb Chief of Delivery and Operations Michele Franci.
OneWeb is ramping up terminal developments as it prepares to deliver global coverage by June 2022. Also this week, OneWeb announced a joint development agreement with GDC Advanced Technology to develop an In-Flight Connectivity (IFC) terminal. The company is also developing user terminals with Intellian and Satixfy.
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