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Left: Leif Ottosson CEO of Cobham Satcom, and Ali Al Hashemi, Group Chief Executive Officer at Yahsat. Photo: Yahsat/Cobham

Yahsat has selected Cobham Satcom to deliver a mobile broadband system, including ground infrastructure and products, to operate as part of Yahsat’s next-generation Thuraya 4-NGS system.

Under the contract announced Thursday, Sept. 9, Cobham Satcom will develop a range of commercial and government focused terminals for land, maritime and aeronautical applications. The companies said Cobham Satcom will work on Yahsat’s Mobile Satellite Services (MSS) broadband data services, and enable the Thuraya 4-NGS ground network with 4G and 5G capabilities.

Yahsat is currently investing in the Thuraya 4-NGS system which will create a suite of MSS products and applications. Thuraya 4-NGS is planned for launch in the second half of 2023, with operations commencing in 2024.

Leif Ottosson, CEO at Cobham Satcom called the deal “monumental” for the company.

“It marks a new and innovative partnership with Yahsat, reinforces our position as a leading MSS infrastructure and terminal provider and will be critical to evolving satellite communications. We were selected by Yahsat because they believe in our relationship and trust our solutions. We look forward to a fruitful partnership with Yahsat and Thuraya for years to come, initially building the Thuraya 4-NGS ground infrastructure and terminals to deliver the highest connectivity speeds globally.”

This article originally appeared in the SATELLITE Show Daily.

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