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Sling Blade – Electronically steerable antenna on the move

Spacecom and Get SAT have demonstrated the Get SAT Micro Sling Blade Electronically Steered Antenna (ESA) on the AMOS-17 satellite, reporting 5 Mbps forward and 25 Mbps return rate. The test was hosted at the SMS Teleport in Rugby, United Kingdom, the companies reported on Wednesday 

The Micro Sling Blade is Get SAT’s new low profile Ka-band satellite terminal for aviation and land-on-the-move markets. It is a fully integrated, all-in-one, modem-agnostic solution that includes a built-in Get SAT Micro Modem and GS950 modem (iDirect 950). 

“The Micro Sling Blade’s successful proof of concept testing with Spacecom’s AMOS-17 satellite is another step forward,” said Kfir Benjamin, Get SAT CEO. “Get SAT is now beginning to supply this super low-profile ESA to government and defense customers requiring powerful, lightweight SWaP solutions.”

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