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Hamish Lee, VP Sales APAC, Speedcast, receiving the ACOMM award. Photo: Speedcast

Hamish Lee, VP Sales APAC, Speedcast, receiving the ACOMM award. Photo: Speedcast

Speedcast International won the 2019 ACOMMS Award for Vendor Innovation for the company’s Sigma Gateway platform, beating other fellow finalists Ericsson and Nokia. Hosted by the Communications Alliance of Australia, the award ceremony took place in Sydney on the evening of August 15.

The Speedcast SIGMA Gateway is an integrated connectivity management platform that manages global Very Small Aperature Terminal (VSAT), MSS, 4G/LTE, Wi-Fi, and voice services, and provides automated management of multiple Wide Are Network (WAN) links. Additionally, the SIGMA Gateway runs specialized applications and services in virtual machines (VMs). With the VM option, customers can access enterprise applications such as cybersecurity, e-learning, maritime email and more, and also have the option to tailor the SIGMA resources to accommodate VMs of their choice.

“It’s an honor to be recognized with an ACOMM Innovation award for our SIGMA Gateway solution,” said Pierre-Jean Beylier, CEO, Speedcast. “Innovation is a key element of Speedcast’s growth strategy, as our customers increasingly look to Speedcast for more than just connectivity. SIGMA Gateway gives our customers the ability to seamlessly manage hybrid networks and quickly deploy and operate mission-critical enterprise applications and services.”

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