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The ARC-210 Gen 6 radio. Photo: Lockheed Martin.

The ARC-210 Gen 6 radio. Photo: Lockheed Martin.

Rockwell Collins has developed a smart mount that will provide users of the ARC-210 networked communications airborne radio with added satellite communications capability through the Iridium network. Accessing Iridium’s network of 66 Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites, users are able to maintain global coverage, including polar regions, while simultaneously maintaining full use of the ARC-210 radio’s standard capabilities, the company stated.

Rockwell Collins recently demonstrated the smart mount to U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) representatives to showcase the integration’s Beyond Line of Sight (BLOS) capabilities.

“Adding Iridium Satcom to the ARC-210 leverages the Defense Information Systems Agency’s (DISA) secure gateway as well as the diverse and resilient Iridium Next constellation,” said Ken Flowers, vice president of government solutions for Iridium. “Integration requires no modifications to the existing onboard radio and will enable reliable voice, data and position location information anywhere on the planet.”

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