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Telstar 18 Telesat

Artist’s rendition of Telstar 18. Photo: SSL

Telesat’s Telstar 18 Vantage High Throughput Satellite (HTS) is fully operational at 138 degrees East and has entered commercial service. Telstar 18 Vantage was launched by a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida on Sept. 10, and aims to serve growing demand for mobility, enterprise and telecom services across the Asia-Pacific region.

Built by SSL, a Maxar Technologies company, Telstar 18 Vantage is the latest in a new generation of Telesat satellites. The satellite provides C-band capacity over Asia, Ku-band HTS spot beams over Indonesia and Malaysia, and five additional regional Ku-band beams.

The coverage of Telstar 18 Vantage reaches across Asia to Hawaii in both C- and Ku-band. Its Ku-band payloads of HTS spot beams and regional beams aim to provide customers operating in Southeast Asia, Mongolia, Australia, New Zealand, and the North Pacific Ocean with greater choice in deploying broadband networks.

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