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Astrocast satellite network. Photo: Astrocast

Astrocast satellite network. Photo: Astrocast

GomSpace Sweden signed a contract with Astrocast, a Swiss nanosatellites provider, to deliver a propulsion system for each of the 10 nanosatellites in the first orbital plane of the new Astrocast constellation. This will be the first propulsion system operating on a constellation of 3U cubsesats.

The contract is a follow-on order to the delivery of propulsions systems for the two precursor satellites, which will be launched this fall. The system will allow Astrocast to more rapidly deploy each satellite to its intended position and will assist in collision avoidance maneuvers.

Astrocast has been deploying nanosatellites to create a global Internet of Things (IOT) network. The order is valued at 450,000 euros and the propulsion systems will be delivered in Q4 2018 and Q1 2019.

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