Issue: VS Feature

Mobile Broadcasting Prospects Strong in Asia
The world is becoming more mobile as populations demand continuous access to content for business and for pleasure. This increased desire for mobility presents strong opportunities for satellite players in...
Digital Signage Taking Next Step
The ability to beam ads and promotional content to any number of sites simultaneously via satellite remains a remarkable concept, and network reliability and cost concerns that may have conspired...
Learning The Satellite Way
As governments throughout the world make improving education a more important goal, many are beginning to embrace — and help fund — satellite-enabled initiatives. Satellite-related technology has proven to be...
Matt Desch, CEO, Iridium Satellite
Only seven months have passed since Matt Desch was named chairman and CEO of Bethesda, Md.-based Iridium Satellite LLC, the global supplier of mobile satellite communications services. The former CEO...
Matt Desch 2007