Issue: VS Feature

The Connected Car and Where Satellite Fits In
The dream of hybrid sat-cell connectivity in moving vehicles lives on in the commercial vehicle space with satellite connections providing tracking and some communications capability and cellular providing dispatching and...
Connected car. Photo: Via Satellite
Can MENA Do NewSpace?
The interest in the NewSpace movement has been gaining momentum all over the world and the MENA region is no exception. With talk of space ranging from enabling emerging nations to enhance their communications infrastructure to missions to Mars, this is a fertile region for NewSpace, with varying ambitions from country to country.
Photo: Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre (MBRSC).
Inmarsat CEO and the $1 Billion Target
Can Inmarsat create a $1 billion dollar revenue stream in aviation? Inmarsat CEO Rupert Pearce is confident the company can do this in around 10 years’ time. It is an ambitious projection, but recent deals with the likes of Qatar Airways and Avianca underline there is still huge potential in this business for Inmarsat and others...
Rupert Pearce Inmarsat