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[Via Satellite 01-17-2017] Palau Telecoms has increased network capacity with O3b Networks for the fifth time in less than 24 months, nearly doubling its service capacity since going live over O3b in January 2015. The Internet Service Provider (ISP) has since upgraded regularly to keep up with subscriber demand, twice each in 2015 and 2016, and already once in 2017. Palau Telecoms is located on the Island of Palau, a remote archipelago of more than 300 islands located South East of the Philippines in the Western Pacific Ocean.
O3b is seeing large growth in the Asia Pacific region. The company ended 2016 with contracts that amount to more than 7.5 Gbps throughout the Asia-Pacific region, generating an increase of approximately 30 percent of year-on-year growth for the total used bandwidth.
According to a statement released by O3b, this growth was a direct result of the successful performance of O3b 3G LTE/4G mobile and broadband internet services in the region. An increased demand for high-quality connectivity in a region that encounters geographic and financial barriers to terrestrial connectivity, also accounted for the increase.
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