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Intelsat 29e reflector and solar array deployments. Photos: Boeing

Intelsat 29e reflector and solar array deployments. Photos: Boeing

[Via Satellite 09-13-2016] Cubic Corporation announced that its subsidiary GATR Technologies, which operates within the Cubic Mission Solutions (CMS) business division, and Intelsat General Corporation successfully established a 26-megabits per second (mbps) downlink and a 10+ mbps uplink, carrying multiple data streams during performance testing of GATR’s prototype GATR-FLEX sub-meter Ku-band, ultra-portable terminal. GATR and Intelsat General performed a series of tests using the open architecture, high-performance Intelsat EpicNG satellite Intelsat 29e, GATR-FLEX antenna, and GATR’s e850 ruggedized iDirect satellite modem, which maximized the throughput of the iDirect Evolution series modems.

The tests measured throughput while taxing a single satellite link with data, voice and High-Definition (HD) streaming video, which is normally done by two separate terminals over separate networks. Cubic|GATR and Intelsat General anticipate higher performance with the next generation of iDirect Velocity modems.

Additional products from CMS subsidiaries were also used for the tests, such as DTECH’s M3-SE networking stack of routers, switches, servers, encoders and voice appliances, as well as TeraLogics’ Unified Video Cloud and Server application for real-time Full Motion Video. Unified Video demonstrated HD video contribution and consumption streaming over the same satellite link for the command and control services.

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