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Eutelsat Selects Hughes Jupiter 3 System for KONNECT VHTS Ground Segment

By Rachel Jewett | September 10, 2021

Artist rendition of the Eutelsat KONNECT VHTS satellite. Photo: Eutelsat

Eutelsat Communications has selected the Hughes Network Systems Jupiter System Series 3 to enable services on the new KONNECT Very High-Throughput Satellite (VHTS). The companies announced the award Tuesday, Sept. 7.

Hughes Network Systems will design, manufacture, and deliver gateways, end-user terminals, and a network management system for KONNECT VHTS, expected to launch in 2022. The satellite will provide fixed broadband and mobility connectivity across Europe and has a flexible payload that can reallocate capacity.

This is further award for Hughes, which previously completed the ground system for Eutelsat’s KONNECT satellite, with JUPITER System gateways and user terminals.

“Jupiter 3 technology allows [Eutelsat] to be able to dynamically move capacity between beams based on time of day or capacity requirements,” Ramesh Ramaswamy, Hughes general manager of International Division told Via Satellite. “It also allows a private, cloud-based architecture for gateways, so it’s primarily centralized. With this capacity you want to be able to provide highly resilient services and this satellite architecture allows it.”

This article originally appeared in the SATELLITE 2021 Show Daily.