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3D render of planet Earth viewed from space. Photo: NASA

3D render of planet Earth viewed from space. Photo: NASA

Planetary Systems AI (PSAI) has been selected to participate in the U.S. Space Systems Command’s Space Domain Awareness (SDA) Tools Applications and Processing (TAP) lab. 

The SDA TAP Lab is a voluntary three-month tech accelerator that works on space domain awareness challenges. 

PSAI is focused on cyber-first and AI/ML solutions for space and satellite operators. The company said this program will allow it to demonstrate its machine learning models and AI product solutions for decision support in satellite operations and space domain awareness. 

PSAI will participate in TAP Lab Apollo Accelerator Cohort 4. During the three-month TAP Lab cycle, PSAI will further test and refine its solutions for space domain awareness by responding with a team in a given scenario related to threat warning and assessment. 

“PSAI is leveraging our AI and machine learning roots and capabilities to work with our government and commercial customers and partners to ensure that their decision support is accelerated and enhanced through our AI solutions, even through multi-classification systems,” commented PSAI CEO and Chief Space Officer Cindy Chin. “Our team is excited to showcase these tools and capabilities during the SDA TAP Lab with U.S. Space Systems Command, U.S. Space Force and other government and industry partners.”

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