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Photo: Spire Global.

Photo: Spire Global.

Spire Global will continue to participate in NASA’s Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) program after signing a $6 million contract extension. Spire announced the contract on July 14. 

The CSDA allows NASA to acquire commercial Earth Observation (EO) data that supports its Earth science research. Spire was one of the original vendors of the CSDA program, and NASA has used its data for various research topics including water and sea ice levels in the polar regions. 

The deal is for a subscription data solution that includes radio occultation data, grazing angle GNSS-RO, total electron content data, precise orbit determination, soil moisture and ocean surface wind speed GNSS-Reflectometry data, and magnetometer data. The data will be available to all federal agencies, NASA-funded researchers and, all U.S. government-funded researchers for scientific purposes.

“At NASA, the CSDA Program has continued to blossom as a valuable resource to our team for our Earth observation research and analysis,” said Will McCarty, project scientist at the CSDA Program. “Spire has been a valued partner through CSDA’s development since its inception, and with this additional task order, we are excited about the new insights and results that will come not only from within NASA but also through broader collaboration through the domestic government scientific community.”

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