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SPAWAR reserve component officer. Photo: U.S. Navy

Comtech Telecommunications‘ Tempe, Arizona-based subsidiary Comtech EF Data received a delivery order in support of a recently awarded contract to provide long-term support for the Advanced Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) Interface Processor (ATIP) production terminals in support of the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR). This latest delivery order against the 10-year, $19.1 million follow-on Infinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract for $2.8 million, and has an initial funding level of $1.6 million. The delivery order was received in Comtech’s fourth quarter of fiscal 2018.

ATIP is a Layer-2 Ethernet bridging device installed on ship, shore and submarine platforms in the Navy Multiband Terminal (NMT). The ATIP program provides significant improvements to the Advanced Extremely High Frequency (AEHF) system’s performance through dynamic bandwidth management and increased throughput.

“This new delivery order is to complete the development of an ATIP Terminal Direct (TD) mode that will enable the full capabilities of our previous adaptive coding development effort,” said Comtech Telecommunications Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and President  Fred Kornberg. “The ATIP TD mode will allow the Navy to operate at very low code rates to maintain communication links in impaired environments.”


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