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Artist rendition of Iris satellite-based communication system. Photo: European Space Agency

Artist rendition of Iris satellite-based communication system. Photo:

A new integral partnership is helping to develop the European Commission’s initiative of a Single European Sky. Single European Sky Air Traffic Management System (SESAR) Deployment Manager and the European Space Agency (ESA) signed a memorandum of cooperation on the deployment and use of Iris, a satellite-based communication system.

This agreement sets out the basis for efficient cooperation, as both organizations address their respective responsibilities on the deployment of SESAR and the satellite-based communication system that helps to enable it. This cooperation addresses the key parts of the short and long-term development of the Single European Sky.

A focus of the partnership will be on the use of satellite and Iris as a complementary data link air-ground communication technology. Iris is currently undergoing flight trials, which are meeting their technical objectives. The ESA is on track for Iris to deliver an initial service in 2020, as a result of the current contract.

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