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FleetSat simulator in a classroom-laboratory at the Naval Postgraduate School. Photo Credit General Dynamics
General Dynamics Mission Systems has received a contract from the U.S. Navy to restore and maintain a satellite system simulator for students at the Naval Postgraduate School, Spacecraft Research and Design Center / Adaptive Optics Center of Excellence. The simulator, a model of a Navy Fleet Satellite (FLTSAT) communications satellite, will help students hone their skills in managing the technical aspects of space systems including satellite command, control and communications, and troubleshooting satellite and constellation anomalies.
The General Dynamics team also supports instructors teaching space-related topics to Naval Postgraduate School students from across the U.S. Department of Defense. The academic programs include mastery of the technical aspects of space systems covering design, development, installation and maintenance of spacecraft, space payloads, supporting Earth stations, terminals and command, control and communications connectivity.
The General Dynamics Naval Satellite Operations Center (NAVSOC) team is located at Naval Air Station, Point Mugu, California, supporting the Navy’s operation of the FLTSAT and Ultra-High Frequency (UHF) follow-on communication satellite constellations.
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