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Rendition of York Space Systems’ S-Class Platform. Photo: York Space Systems.
York Space Systems announced the successful completion of the Harbinger Mission Critical Design Review (CDR) leveraging the company’s industrial-grade S-Class spacecraft platform.
York’s S-Class platform is a standardized 3-axis stabilized spacecraft capable of supporting 85 kg payloads with up to 100W of Orbit Average Power (OAP). The Harbinger Mission will be the platform’s first flight demonstration.
The detailed technical review, conducted by representatives from the Army Space and Missile Defense Command (SMDC) and the U.S. Air Force, took place at York Space Systems’ spacecraft design and production facility in Denver. The review included a tour of Metropolitan State University’s Advanced Manufacturing Institute capabilities, which are being used to accelerate the production of the S-Class platform. York is currently constructing the spacecraft at its facility and will demonstrate its capabilities for government customers with its Multi-Mission Operations Center, located in the same building.
According to York, the Harbinger Mission is manifested for launch in November of this year, carrying a Field-Effect Electric Propulsion (FEEP) system and a high-rate laser communications terminal. The S-Class platform is the backbone for three additional constellation missions performing Earth Observation (EO), celestial monitoring, and national defense.
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