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[Via Satellite 01-09-2015] CNES, the French space agency, and CEA, the French atomic energy and alternative energies commission, have signed a new framework research agreement to step up cooperation between the two agencies in science and technology. Under the new agreement, priority fields of research concern astrophysics, climate and environmental sciences, fluid physics, radiobiology and life sciences.
The five-year agreement, which follows on from a previous deal signed in 2004, will prolong the close collaboration undertaken between the two agencies over more than 50 years in astrophysics, during which they have achieved positive results on missions such as the Herschel space telescope. Under the agreement, CNES and CEA will collaborate in major astrophysics missions such SVOM, Euclid and Athena, as well as in Earth observation missions with Merlin.
CNES and CEA have also identified 20 more technology areas of joint interest, such as nanotechnologies, cryogenics, optoelectronics, new materials and modeling. To stimulate infusion of these technologies, CEA will study ways of space-rating developments originally designed for civil applications and give CNES access to its R&D platforms. CNES will fulfill the role of system prime contractor for programs matching the needs of the scientific community. To facilitate sharing of knowledge and skills, the two agencies will establish joint competency centers and training actions, and set up a steering committee to review progress on current missions every six months.
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