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Boeing Space-Based Space Surveillance System. Photo: Boeing image

Boeing Space-Based Space Surveillance System. Photo: Boeing image

[Via Satellite – 01-15-2014] Boeing’s Space-Based Space Surveillance (SBSS) system has helped the U.S. Air Force reduce satellite loss by 66 percent by detecting potential threats more quickly and allowing operators to take early action if necessary.

SBSS provides timely detection, collection, identification and tracking of space objects from deep space to low-Earth orbit due to its around-the-clock, all-weather visibility. During the system’s first year in 2013, it gathered more than 3.8 million observations of objects in deep space.

“Averaging 12,000 deep-space observations per day, SBSS provides a major advantage to satellite operators who need to protect these valuable space assets that we depend on every day,” said Craig Cooning, Boeing Space & Intelligence Systems vice president and general manager.

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