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Harris Reflector

MUOS 2. Photo: Lockheed Martin

[Via Satellite 11-21-13] Two unfurlable mesh antenna reflectors developed by Harris Corporation have successfully deployed onboard the second U.S. Navy Mobile User Objective System (MUOS) satellite built by Lockheed Martin.

The MUOS satellite will provide military users with 16 times more narrowband tactical satellite communications capability than existing UHF satellites, making voice, video and data connections more accessible. The satellite was launched on July 19, 2013 from Cape Canaveral Florida onboard an Atlas 5 rocket. This is the second of five MUOS satellites scheduled for deployment.

Harris is scheduled to build 10 reflectors for the MUOS constellation. Each satellite will use two different reflectors. The first is 14 meters in diameter for the purpose of multiple-beam operation in order to increase the amount of traffic the system can support. The second is 5.4 meters and will be used for legacy operations. Harris will secure the gold mesh reflectors to the satellite with precision booms.

Harris also is playing a central role in developing tactical radio terminals that will provide MUOS satellite communications capability to the end-user. MUOS capability will initially be provided via a software upgrade to the Harris Falcon IIIAN/PRC-117G manpack radio platform. Of the Harris wideband radios already deployed to users, more than 30,000 are ready to host the MUOS waveform software.

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