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Tampa microwaves 95cm parabolic reflector and feed

Optional 95cm parabolic reflector and feed. Replaces the 65cm antenna. Photo: Tampa Microwaves

[Via Satellite 11-14-13] Inmarsat has signed Tampa Microwave as a terminal partner for land satellite terminals for its forthcoming Global Xpress high-speed broadband service. Already in use by U.S. Special Forces, the Tampa Microwave family of manpack terminals has been specifically designed for mobile operations requiring a rugged and lightweight terminal that can fit into a backpack.

“We intend to qualify the lightweight, portable terminal for Global Xpress operation over a tuning range of up to 1GHz,” said Peter Hadinger, president of government business in the United States, Inmarsat.

Following type-approval by Inmarsat, the 65cm aperture COTS manpack terminal will offer government customers access to the global, secure coverage provided by Inmarsat’s Global Xpress satellite network. Global Xpress, to be comprised of Inmarsat’s new Ka-band I-5 satellites, is expected to provide high-speed uplink and downlink data rates. The satellites will support government customers requiring highly transportable, secure and reliable terminals for missions of any kind.

Inmarsat’s Global Xpress terminals are specifically designed for high-performance operation in the Ka-band. The network is scheduled to achieve full global coverage by the end of 2014.

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