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[Via Satellite 10-15-13] The Global VSAT Forum (GVF), and the Satellite Interference Reduction Group (IRG) have announced they are looking to actively engage the military in interference discussions and initiatives. This is one part of the two organization’s broad plans to tackle interference, a major issue in the satellite industry.

According to the IRG, satellite services are widely used by military commanders to provide key tactical communications capabilities to their forces anywhere in the world. Interference, either unintended or deliberate, is becoming a major threat to maintaining assured and reliable communications links.

“We are keen to engage the military and get them involved in our interference prevention initiatives,” commented. For these initiatives to work we need full support from across the chain and the military is a crucial part of that. The workshop is the continuation of a wider campaign aimed at engaging the military,” Martin Coleman, Executive Director, IRG said in a statement.

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