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Tags: Satellite, Earth observation, Artwork
Publication Date: 08/13/2013

Officials in Glasgow, Scotland, pose with the satellite that will carry artwork created by Jon Gibson and Amanda White.
Image Credit: Scottish Government Press Office

Los Angeles artists Jon Gibson and Amanda White have created a design inspired by Andy Warhol that has been impressed into a satellite’s panel to produce a replica of an oversized electrical charging device. The work of art turned satellite will monitor atmospheric conditions and send photos and data from 373 miles above Earth.

While the design came easily for the artists, placing artwork on the satellite proved to be a challenge. To create artwork that could endure a launch and then orbit the Earth at 17,000 mph for 25 years, the images were etched onto the satellite’s side.

The satellite, which Clyde Space is scheduled to send into orbit on Oct. 29 aboard a Soyuz rocket, may not be the first work of art in orbit. A South Korean artist’s home-built satellite was launched in February. While there was no artful design attached to it, the spacecraft did contain lights that were supposed to illuminate in a colorful, artful pattern.


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