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Cloud fraction retrieved from IASI-A and IASI-B on January 22, 2013
Image credit: Eumesat

[Satellite TODAY 07-22-13] Eumetsat announced that Calibration and Validation (cal/val) activities concluded after the final Product Validation Review Board (PVRB) meeting declared the IASI Level 2 (L2) products derived from Metop B operational. Additionally, the ATOVS Level 2 Products were globally validated against radiosonde data, ECMWF data, and coincident Metop A and NOAA 19 ATOVS Level 2 products, and declared operational.These milestones not only mark the end of Cal/Val, but also the end of the Metop B commissioning.

     The calibration and validation of the Metop B products began as soon as the SIOV activities permitted. Trial distribution of the first products started a few days after launch. Since April 24, 2013, Metop B has been the prime operational satellite.
     Eumesat is looking forward to many years of smooth Metop B operations, in parallel to Metop A, in support of which GOME 2 tandem operations have recently started.

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