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Tags: Satellite Imagery, Earth Observation
Publication Date: 04/29/2013

BKA (BelKa 2).
Image credit: NPO VNIIEM

Belarus and Azerbaijan are working on signing a cooperation agreement under which Azerbaijan will be allowed to use information and images collected by BelKA-2, a Belarusian satellite launched in July 2012. According to reports, Azerbaijan will use the images obtained from BSC to address environmental monitoring and cartography issues. The deal is expected to be finalized in May.

The BelKA-2 has high dynamic performance, as it can quickly change its locus to capture images at a desired angle. Special-purpose devices on the satellite are of Belarusian origin, and the rest of the equipment was made in Russia and England.

Recently, the two nations also signed a cooperation agreement that will allow opening a direct channel for traffic exchange between Belarus and Azerbaijan. This will enable national telecommunication operators to reduce the cost of traffic from Belarus to Azerbaijan and vice versa. Additionally, both nations have agreed to establish an inter-university center of distance education between the Belarusian Higher College of Communications and Azerbaijan Technical University.

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