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[Satellite TODAY 08-22-12] U.S. Air Force Space Command declared that the Space Based Space Surveillance (SBSS) Block-10 satellite achieved initial operational capability and is ready to support U.S. Strategic Command requirements, Air Force officials announced Aug. 21.

Orbital Sciences launched the SBSS Block-10 satellite in September aboard a Minotaur 4 rocket.
   The SBSS Block 10 satellite aims to perform 24-hour space surveillance operations in support of U.S. Strategic Command by collecting space object identification data for manmade objects without disrupting related ground-based systems.
   “The SBSS satellite will provide needed capability to the national deep-space space situational awareness in terms of timely revisit of high interest objects and increased capacity to meet current and future warfighter SSA needs,” Air Force Space Command Space Superiority Division Chief Robert Davidson said in a statement.

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