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[Satellite TODAY 10-10-11] Sofradir has won a key contract to supply technology to new European Earth observation satellites. The company announced Oct. 10 that it had won a multi-million euro deal to manufacture Infrared (IR) detectors for the engineering and flight model phases for the MUSIS (Multinational Space-Based Imaging System)/CSO (Optical Space Component) next-generation Earth observation military satellites.
Within the framework of the four-year MUSIS/CSO contract, Sofradir will deliver to Thalès Alenia Space France (TAS-F) high-resolution custom design IR focal plane arrays for the optical imaging cameras. The exact value of the contract was undisclosed.
“After our successful involvement in the satellites Helios IIA and IIB, launched in 2004 and 2009 respectively, Sofradir is proud to be part of the MUSIS/CSO project and have the continued confidence of the French MoD and Thales Alenia Space. Our expertise in developing state-of-the-art IR detectors for Earth observation applications will be further strengthened through this collaboration,” Philippe Bensussan, chairman and CEO of Sofradir said in a statement.
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