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[Satellite TODAY 09-20-11] ATK has delivered the first two A2100 composite satellite structures and the first ship set of propellant tanks for the GPS 3 satellites Lockheed Martin is building for the U.S. Air Force, ATK announced Sept. 19.
   ATK was awarded its initial GPS 3 contract from Lockheed Martin in April 2010. The contract includes the fabrication of a non-flight satellite test-bed structure and the first two GPS 3 satellite structures. ATK said the test-bed structure was delivered in May and that the first space vehicle structure was delivered in August, along with the first ship set of tanks. The contract includes options for the same hardware for up to 10 additional satellites.
   “The GPS 3 program continues to meet major milestones on or ahead of schedule, and the delivery of the core structure and propellant tanks for the first GPS 3 space vehicle is another achievement demonstrating this program’s solid execution. The joint U.S. Air Force and industry team understands the importance of GPS 3 and we are focused on delivering capabilities to meet the demands of more than one billion GPS users worldwide,” U.S. Air Force GPS 3 Program Manager Lt. Col. Don Frew said in a statement.
   The first GPS 3 satellite is on track to be delivered and available for launch in 2014.

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