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[Satellite TODAY 11-17-10] Quintech will provide switches and amplifiers to Harris Corp. for the Modernization of Enterprise Terminal, Quintech announced.
    Quintech will provide RSS 0070 switches, SRR 2150 switches and AMP2150  amplifiers for the Modernization of Enterprise Terminal (MET) contract, which will replace as many as 80 older AN/GSC-52, GSC-39, FSC-78 satellite communications terminal around the globe with terminals that provide Ka- and X-band operations. The new terminals will work with the Wideband Global Satellite constellation as well as legacy satellite systems and range in size from a transportable 7.2 -meter antenna to a fixed, 12.2-meter antenna.
    The total MET contract, which has a five-year base and a five-year option, could be valued at as much as $820 million.

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