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[Satellite TODAY 09-27-10] Strategy Analytics’ Advanced Defense Systems (ADS) data model projects the radio semiconductor market will see growth due to increasing sophistication of military satcom networks’ terrestrial portion, the firm announced Sept. 24.
   The report, “Terrestrial Military Satcom Platforms – Advanced Electronics Component Forecast,” projects a strong initial increase of semiconductor demand to peak in 2014, followed by a declining trend for the terrestrial portion of the military satcom market through 2020. The analysis report, which segmented the communications systems by radio electronics and semiconductors, predicted that this sector of the market would be worth $85 million by 2020, with the United States remaining the dominant consumer.
    Strategy Analytics’ ADS Director Asif Anwar said that despite long production cycles and relatively small numbers of new satellites, the total terrestrial portion of the Satcom market will grow from an estimated $423 million in 2008 to as much as of $684 million in 2013, before falling off to slightly more than $500 million in 2020. “The ability of forces on the ground to use satellite resources will continue to play a significant role in network-centric battle strategies. As terrestrial platforms become more sophisticated in response to evolving battlefield requirements, the radios are keeping pace by incorporating multi-band and higher frequency capabilities. Increasingly challenging radio requirements will create attractive opportunities for suppliers, limited primarily by military budget constraints and the resulting small quantity of satellite platforms.”
   Anwar also predicts the market value of the EHF satellite frequency platform, driven by newer satellites with higher bandwidth capabilities, will show very strong growth and surpass the SHF satellite frequency segment in 2018.

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