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[Satellite TODAY 08-23-10] The U.S. Air Force issued Boeing a $182 million contract to build the seventh Wideband Global Satcom satellite, WGS-7, the Pentagon announced Aug. 20.
     Boeing has built the three WGS satellites already in orbit, with three more in production. The WGS constellation aims to deliver improved broadband communications to U.S. military forces and their allies. No target launch date for WGS-7 has been set at this time.
    The third WGS military communications satellite, WGS-3, entered service for the Air Force earlier this month, completing the military’s Block 1 constellation.
    Boeing Space and Intelligence Systems’ Bob Pickard told Satellite TODAY that the successful launch and operation of WGS-3 provides a stepping stone to the company’s work on the Air Force’s Block 2 constellations, which Boeing also is under contract to build. “This is a satellite program that continues to deliver positive results and significant value to the warfighter. Boeing is progressing well in building the 3 Block 2 satellites and is working with the Air Force on a follow-on series with up to six more satellites.”

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